Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 22 Issue 01

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Volume 22, No. 1
Pages 238 - 239


BOOK REVIEW • Essentials of Oceanography (Fifth Edition)

By Thomas W.N. Haine  
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Introductory marine science classes are tremendously popular on college campuses across the country. They can be superbly rewarding experiences for both students and instructors. Typically, these classes last for a single semester, and are based mainly on lectures, perhaps with a field trip to the coast, or coastal waters, where possible. Very little, if any, prior science knowledge is required, making the courses accessible to science and nonscience majors alike. Indeed, these classes are partly so popular because they deliver natural-science credits toward a nonscience major’s distribution (general education) requirement.


Haine, T.W.N. 2009. Review of Essentials of Oceanography (Fifth Edition), by T. Garrison. Oceanography 22(1):238–239, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2009.29.

  1. Spinrad, R.W. 1996. The oceanographic text pattern: A review and comparison of introductory oceanographic texts. Oceanography 9(3):194–201. Available online at: http://tos.org/oceanography/issues/issue_archive/issue_pdfs/9_3/9.3_spinrad.pdf (accessed January 21, 2009).
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