Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 22 Issue 01

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Volume 22, No. 1
Pages 144 - 153


HERMES-GIS: A Tool Connecting Scientists and Policymakers

By Ben De Mol , Neus Querol , Andrew J. Davies , Angela Schäfer, Federica Foglini , Genoveva Gonzales-Mirelis , Kathrin Kopke , Declan Dunne , Ingo Schewe , Fabio Trincardi , and Miquel Canals 
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Article Abstract

An important aim of large, pan-European scientific projects with numerous research groups is to integrate and visualize the acquired distributed data sets and results. The large volume of diverse data gathered and the need to disseminate results among the scientific community and beyond requires using a Geographic Information System (GIS). This article presents our experiences in creating a unified Web-based GIS for HERMES. The HERMES-GIS is based on Web Mapping Services that include direct links to the World Data Center for Marine Environmental Science and its large, long-term geoscience data archive and publication unit, PANGAEA (http://www.pangaea.de). It incorporates metadata and data from all project partners to provide users with basic analytical and visualization tools for archived (distributed) and personal (local) data, and it is also a policy-making tool. Additionally, we illustrate two important GIS applications inside the HERMES community—the use of data models to integrate several subdisciplines and the use of predictive habitat modeling.


De Mol, B., N. Querol, A.J. Davies, A. Schäfer, F. Foglini, G. Gonzales-Mirelis, K. Kopke, D. Dunne, I. Schewe, F. Trincardi, and M. Canals. 2009. HERMES-GIS: A tool connecting scientists and policymakers. Oceanography 22(1):144–153, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2009.14.

    Davies, A.J., M. Wisshak, J.C. Orr, and J.M. Roberts. 2008. Predicting suitable habitat for the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia). Deep-Sea Research Part I 55:1,048–1,062.
  1. Diepenbroek, M., H. Grobe, M. Reinke, U. Schindler, R. Schlitzer, R. Sieger, and G. Wefer. 2002. PANGAEA—An information system for environmental sciences. Computers & Geosciences 28(10):1,201–1,210.
  2. Minisini, D., F. Trincardi, A. Asioli, M. Canu, and F. Foglini. 2007. Morphologic variability of exposed mass-transport deposits on the Eastern slope of Gela Basin (Sicily Channel). Basin Research 19(2):217–240.
  3. Orejas, C., and J.-M. Gili. 2006. Occurrence of coral species off Cape de Creus, western Mediterranean, investigated during cruise CORAL II. Institut de Ciències del Mar, Barcelona. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.396891 (accessed January 19, 2008).
  4. Wright, D.J., M.J. Blongewicz, P.N. Halpin, and J. Breman. 2007. Arc Marine: GIS for a Blue Planet. ESRI Press, Redlands, CA, 202 pp.
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