Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 22 Issue 01

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Volume 22, No. 1
Pages 243 - 244


BOOK REVIEW • Chasing Science At Sea: Racing Hurricanes, Stalking Sharks, and Living Undersea with Ocean Experts

By Alice Alldredge  
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All marine scientists who work in the field have them—personal stories of amazement, discovery, awe, excitement, and even danger while conducting research. They are the stories we love to tell to friends over a beer or to rapt high school students aspiring to become marine biologists or oceanographers. And in the telling, we ourselves somehow reconnect to the deepest motivations that brought us to marine research in the first place. Reliving those marvelous adventures displaces our disgruntlement with e-mail, proposals, and mundane paper work and reminds us how lucky we are to be marine scientists.


Alldredge, A. 2009. Review of Chasing Science At Sea: Racing Hurricanes, Stalking Sharks, and Living Undersea with Ocean Experts, by E. Prager. Oceanography 22(1):243–244, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2009.32.

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