Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society

Volume 14 | Number 3 | 2001

Special Issue: Ocean Optics

On the Cover: (Front Cover) For a description of the four Monitor images, see ]affe et aI. this issue. The background is a true color SeaWiFS image of the southeast coast of the United States. (Back Cover) The photograph on the left is a dramatic coral scene shot in Bali, Indonesia. A tabular coral structure rises dramatically from a sloping reef in the clear blue waters. The influence of wave focusing is seen in the bright patches on the water surface. The photographer's flash reveals the brilliant orange of the sea fan on the coral's underside. Panoramic photographs are harder to come by in the murky waters of New England. In this detailed image we see anemones of several colors and shapes nestled amongst broken shells and rocks of varying sizes. The rocks are mottled in pink with patchy coatings of a calcareous algae. Photos by Andrew Martinez.
Cover PDF
Volume 14 Issue 03

Resolving the Impacts and Feedback of Ocean Optics on Upper Ocean Ecology
By W. Paul Bissett , Oscar Schofieid , Scott Glenn, John J. Cullen, William L. Miller, Albert J. Plueddemann, and Curtis D. Mobley

Optics of the Sea Floor
By Charles H. Mazel

Underwater Optical Imaging: Status and Prospects
By Jules S. Jaffe , Karl D. Moore, John McLean, and Michael P. Strand


Oceanographic Responses to Climate in the Northwest Atlantic
By MERCINA Working Group , Andrew J. Pershing, Charles H. Greene, Charles Hannah , Doug Sameoto , Erica Head, David G. Mountain , Jack W. Jossi , Mark C. Benfield , Philip C. Reid , and Ted G. Durbin

Global Ocean Markets
By John Westwood , Barney Parsons, and Will Rowley

Special Issue Guest Editors

Steven Ackleson, Office of Naval Research


Office of Naval Research