Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 14 Issue 03

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Volume 14, No. 3
Pages 2 - 2


QUARTERDECK • At Your Service

By Richard W. Spinrad  
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Before you read this copy of the magazine from cover to cover (I’ve been assured that every member of The Oceanography Society does so within moments of receipt of their copy) do a quick flip of the pages. You’ll see that we’re starting to reach an important milepost in the growth of the magazine and the society. Many of the readers will recall that a couple of years ago, The Oceanography Society put together a set of specific objectives for the magazine, to fill a perceived niche; we would publish each issue of the magazine with a particular focus, while retaining certain recurring features of broad interest. As you scan the pages of this issue, you’ll see a terrific blend of materials, elements of which should resonate with the vast interests of our membership. This issue’s special focus on ocean optics is a rich blend of articles addressing the multi-disciplinary nature of the science. Both the savvy opticist as well as the newcomer to the field will gain good insights into where that field is going. Beyond that special focus, the palette includes a remarkable assessment of global ocean markets, a provocative article on bio-physical coupling, and an insightful assessment of our graduate educational community. Round that out with the standard section of book reviews and the whole package is truly a unique sampler of the professional components of our oceanographic community. In recognition of our having reached this ‘threshold,’ we’re ready to try some new ideas. A new section, called Breaking Waves is proposed. Read the solicitation for manuscripts (page 4) and get involved. Got another idea? Let me know. The luxury of editing Oceanography is that I have virtually no constraints to what I can add to the current format. As a magazine, vice a technical journal, Oceanography’s bounds are unlimited. We can do interviews, include photo essays, provide op-ed type opportunities. This is your magazine. I work for you. Just let me know what you want. In the meantime, just keep flipping those pages!

– Richard W. Spinrad, Editor


Spinrad, R.W. 2001. Quarterdeck: At your service. Oceanography 14(3):2, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2001.27.

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