Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 14 Issue 03

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Volume 14, No. 3
Pages 92 - 93


THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • What Do Statistics on Graduate Education in Oceanography Tell Us?

By Dean A. McManus 
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Every two years since 1978 the academic deans at ocean science graduate schools in the U.S.A. have met at an Ocean Science Educators’ Retreat (OSER), where they have shared information on graduate study in oceanography. The deans represent the ten members of the Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI) and other interested oceanographic institutions. I’ll refer to the group of 10 as the JOI schools and all institutions combined (some 25 institutions) as the OSER schools. In 1995, the Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE) became the coordinating body for OSER and since 1995 has collected the data on graduate study with a standardized survey. Some of the data are summarized on line at CORE (http://core.cast.msstate.edu/oserintro.html).


McManus, D.A. 2001. In the oceanography classroom: What do statistics on graduate education in oceanography tell us? Oceanography 14(3):92–93, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2001.29.

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