Volume 31 | Number 3 | September 2018
Special Issue on Mathematical Aspects of Physical Oceanography
On the Cover: This SeaWiFS image, constructed using data collected on June 13, 2002, highlights the presence of biological activity in the ocean west of British Columbia’s Queen Charlotte Islands and Alaska’s Alexander Archipelago. The bright red, green, and turquoise patches, which indicate high concentrations of chlorophyll, also make visible a number of eddies in the Pacific Ocean. Image credit: SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and ORBIMAGE
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FROM THE GUEST EDITORS: Introduction to the Special Issue on Mathematical Aspects of Physical Oceanography
Adrian Constantin and
George Haller
The Value of Asymptotic Theories in Physical Oceanography
Robin Stanley Johnson
Nonlinear Features of Equatorial Ocean Flows
David Henry
On the Vorticity of Mesoscale Ocean Currents
Calin Iulian Martin
Simplified Models for Equatorial Waves with Vertical Structure
Miles H. Wheeler
Steady Large-Scale Ocean Flows in Spherical Coordinates
Adrian Constantin and
Robin Stanley Johnson
On a Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Model of Pacific Equatorial Ocean Dynamics: Velocities and Flow Paths
Biswajit Basu
Short-Term Predictions of Oceanic Drift
Kai H. Christensen,
Øyvind Breivik,
Knut-Frode Dagestad,
Johannes Röhrs, and
Brian Ward
Applying the Stereographic Projection to Modeling of the Flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Susanna V. Haziot and
Kateryna Marynets
A Multidisciplinary Approach for Generating Globally Consistent Data on Mesophotic, Deep-Pelagic, and Bathyal Biological Communities
Lucy C. Woodall,
Dominic A. Andradi-Brown,
Andrew S. Brierley,
Malcolm R. Clark,
Douglas Connelly,
Rob A. Hall,
Kerry L. Howell,
Veerle A.I. Huvenne,
Katrin Linse,
Rebecca E. Ross,
Paul Snelgrove,
Paris V. Stefanoudis,
Tracey T. Sutton,
Michelle Taylor,
Thomas F. Thornton, and
Alex D. Rogers
Functioning of Coastal River-Dominated Ecosystems and Implications for Oil Spill Response: From Observations to Mechanisms and Models
Adam T. Greer,
Alan M. Shiller,
Eileen E. Hofmann,
Jerry D. Wiggert,
Sally J. Warner,
Sabrina M. Parra,
Chudong Pan,
Jeffrey W. Book,
DongJoo Joung,
Steven Dykstra,
Jeffrey W. Krause,
Brian Dzwonkowski,
Inia M. Soto,
M. Kemal Cambazoglu,
Alison L. Deary,
Christian Briseño-Avena,
Adam D. Boyette,
Jessica A. Kastler,
Virginie Sanial,
Laura Hode,
Uchenna Nwankwo,
Luciano M. Chiaverano,
Stephan J. O’Brien,
Patrick J. Fitzpatrick,
Yee H. Lau,
Michael S. Dinniman,
Kevin M. Martin,
Peng Ho,
Allison K. Mojzis,
Stephan D. Howden,
Frank J. Hernandez,
Ian Church,
Travis N. Miles,
Su Sponaugle,
James N. Moum,
Robert A. Arnone,
Robert K. Cowen,
Gregg A. Jacobs,
Oscar Schofield, and
William M. Graham
QUARTERDECK • Let’s Try Some Math for a Change
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • Policies for a Member-Run Organization
Alan C. Mix
RIPPLE MARKS • Over the Hump: Beleaguered in Whaling Days, Humpback Whales Chart a New Course in the Gulf of Maine
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and Insights. 2018. Oceanography 31(3):106–108.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Adrian Constantin, University of Vienna
George Haller, ETH Zürich