Volume 31 | Number 1 | March 2018
Special Issue on the Ocean Observatories Initiative
On the Cover: The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is a National Science Foundation major research facility operated as a community resource, providing continuous delivery of ocean and seafloor data from the coast to the open ocean in the Atlantic and the Pacific. The map shows the locations of the seven OOI arrays (image credit: OOI Cabled Array program & the Center for Environmental Visualization, University of Washington). Inset photos show infrastructure from the Coastal, Global, and Cabled Arrays (clockwise from top): deployment of a Pioneer Array Coastal Surface Mooring from R/V Atlantis (credit: OOI Pioneer Array Program, WHOI); Irminger Sea Global Surface Mooring waits on the deck of R/V Knorr for deployment (credit: OOI Global Array Program, WHOI); Endurance Array Coastal Surface Mooring components await deployment (credit: OOI Global Array Program, OSU); digital still camera deployed on Axial Seamount captures the El Gordo hydrothermal vent and attached OOI Cabled Array instrumentation (credit: NSF-OOI/UW/ISS; Dive R1839; V15).
Cover PDF

FROM THE GUEST EDITORS • Introduction to the Special Issue on the Ocean Observatories Initiative
Leslie M. Smith,
Timothy J. Cowles,
Robert D. Vaillancourt, and
Subbarao Yelisetti
The Ocean Observatories Initiative
Leslie M. Smith,
John A. Barth,
Deborah S. Kelley,
Al Plueddemann,
Ivan Rodero,
Greg A. Ulses,
Michael F. Vardaro, and
Robert Weller
SIDEBAR > Accessing OOI Data
Michael F. Vardaro and
Janice McDonnell
On the Relationship Between the Global Ocean Observing System and the Ocean Observatories Initiative
Eric Lindstrom
The North Atlantic Biological Pump: Insights from the Ocean Observatories Initiative Irminger Sea Array
Hilary I. Palevsky and
David P. Nicholson
Deep Convection in the Irminger Sea Observed with a Dense Mooring Array
M. Femke de Jong,
Marilena Oltmanns,
Johannes Karstensen, and
Laura de Steur
The Changing Nature of Shelf-Break Exchange Revealed by the OOI Pioneer Array
Glen Gawarkiewicz,
Robert E. Todd,
Weifeng Zhang,
Jacob Partida,
Avijit Gangopadhyay,
Mahmud-Ul-Hasan Monim,
Paula Fratantoni,
Anna Malek Mercer, and
Margaret Dent
SIDEBAR > SeaView: Bringing Together an Ocean of Data
Karen Stocks,
Steve Diggs,
Christopher Olson,
Anh Pham,
Robert Arko,
Adam Shepherd, and
Danie Kinkade
Atmospheric and Offshore Forcing of Temperature Variability at the Shelf Break
Ke Chen,
Glen Gawarkiewicz, and
Albert Plueddemann
Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Physical and Biological Properties along the Endurance Array of the California Current Ecosystem
Fernanda Henderikx Freitas,
Gonzalo S. Saldías,
Miguel Goñi,
R. Kipp Shearman, and
Angelicque E. White
Warm Blobs, Low-Oxygen Events, and an Eclipse: The Ocean Observatories Initiative Endurance Array Captures Them All
John A. Barth,
Jonathan P. Fram,
Edward P. Dever,
Craig M. Risien,
Chris E. Wingard,
Robert W. Collier, and
Thomas D. Kearney
Power from Benthic Microbial Fuel Cells Drives Autonomous Sensors and Acoustic Modems
Clare E. Reimers and
Michael Wolf
The Role of the Ocean Observatories Initiative in Monitoring the Offshore Earthquake Activity of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
Anne M. Tréhu,
William S.D. Wilcock,
Rose Hilmo,
Paul Bodin,
Jon Connolly,
Emily C. Roland, and
Jochen Braunmiller
The Recent Volcanic History of Axial Seamount: Geophysical Insights into Past Eruption Dynamics with an Eye Toward Enhanced Observations of Future Eruptions
William S.D. Wilcock,
Robert P. Dziak,
Maya Tolstoy,
William W. Chadwick Jr.,
Scott L. Nooner,
DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl,
Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach,
Felix Waldhauser,
Adrien F. Arnulf,
Christian Baillard,
Tai-Kwan Lau,
Joseph H. Haxel,
Yen Joe Tan,
Charles Garcia,
Samuel Levy, and
M. Everett Mann
A Tale of Two Eruptions: How Data from Axial Seamount Led to a Discovery on the East Pacific Rise
Maya Tolstoy,
William S.D. Wilcock,
Yen Joe Tan, and
Felix Waldhauser
SIDEBAR > Axial Seamount Biology Catalog
Katie Bigham
Deep-Sea Volcanic Eruptions Create Unique Chemical and Biological Linkages Between the Subsurface Lithosphere and the Oceanic Hydrosphere
Rachel L. Spietz,
David A. Butterfield,
Nathaniel J. Buck,
Benjamin I. Larson,
William W. Chadwick Jr.,
Sharon L. Walker,
Deborah S. Kelley, and
Robert M. Morris
SIDEBAR > Get Engaged with the Ocean Observatories Initiative
Greg A. Ulses,
Leslie M. Smith, and
Timothy J. Cowles
Education and Public Engagement in OOI: Lessons Learned from the Field
Janice McDonnell,
Annette deCharon,
C. Sage Lichtenwalner,
Kristin Hunter-Thomson,
Catherine Halversen,
Oscar Schofield,
Scott Glenn,
Carrie Ferraro,
Carla Lauter, and
James Hewlett
SIDEBAR > Seastate: Experiential C-STEM Learning Through Environmental Sensor Building
Deborah S. Kelley and
Daniel Grünbaum
QUARTERDECK • The Squirrelly Thing About Knowledge
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • On Mentoring of Graduate Students
Alan C. Mix
RIPPLE MARKS • Icon of Chesapeake Winter Still Graces the Bay
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • Are You a Marine Major or Minor?
Simon Boxall
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and Insights. 2018. Oceanography 31(1):150–152.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Leslie M. Smith, Consortium for Ocean Leadership
Timothy J. Cowles, Oregon State University (emeritus)
Robert D. Vaillancourt, Millersville University
Subbarao Yelisetti, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the Consortium for Ocean Leadership through National Science Foundation Cooperative Support Agreement OCE-1026342.