Volume 25 | Number 4 | December 2012
On the Cover: The cover photo was taken from a boat in the early morning hours of December 12, 2011, soon after Kilauea erupted again after an almost 10-month hiatus. Lava began streaming into the ocean two days before this photo was taken. Trying to take a good shot from a small boat, rocking and rolling on high seas close to scorching lava, was a dangerous but rewarding experience for photographer Ilya Raskin of Rutgers University. For more on Hawaii's volcanoes, please see article "Pele's Tears: 'Lava Fingerprinting' Reveals Hawaii Volcanoes' Geochemistry" by Cheryl Lyn Dybas.
Cover PDF

Patterns of Life on the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Compiling What is Known and Addressing Future Research
José Angel A. Perez ,
Eliana dos Santos Alves,
Malcolm R. Clark ,
Odd Aksel Bergstad ,
Andrey Gebruk,
Irene Azevedo Cardoso , and
Antonina Rogacheva
Oceanography and Women: Early Challenges
Enrico Bonatti and
Kathleen Crane
Risk Assessment and Ecotoxicology: Limitations and Recommendations for Ocean Disposal of Mine Waste in the Coral Triangle
Amanda Reichelt-Brushett
Coral Tissue Thickness as a Bioindicator of Mine-Related Turbidity Stress on Coral Reefs at Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea
Sea Rotmann and
Séverine Thomas
A New Database to Explore the Findings from Large-Scale Ocean Iron Enrichment Experiments
Philip W. Boyd ,
Dorothee C.E. Bakker, and
Cynthia Chandler
QUARTERDECK • Introducing Full Electronic Versions of Oceanography
Ellen S. Kappel
COMMENTARY • Results of a Preliminary Survey on Graduate Training in Professional Skills
Allison Miller and
Melbourne Briscoe
THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • Don't Be Too Critical in Thinking About Our Students' Abilities
Simon Boxall
BOOK REVIEW • Soundings: The Story of the Remarkable Woman Who Mapped the Ocean Floor
William B.F. Ryan
BOOK REVIEW • Ocean Dynamics and the Carbon Cycle: Principles and Mechanisms
Dennis A. Hansell
BOOK REVIEW • Buoyancy-Driven Flows
Eckart Meiburg
BOOK REVIEW • The Beach Book: Science of the Shore
Andrew D. Short
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2012. Oceanography 25(4):83–86.
AWARDS • 2012 Jerlov Award: Kendall L. Carder
2012 Jerlov Award: Kendall L. Carder. 2012. Oceanography 25(4):86.
AWARDS • Ocean Optics XXI Conference Student Paper Awards
Ocean Optics XXI Conference Student Paper Awards. 2012. Oceanography 25(4):87.