Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 25 Issue 04

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Volume 25, No. 4
Pages 86 - 86


AWARDS • 2012 Jerlov Award: Kendall L. Carder

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On October 11, 2012, Kendall L. Carder was honored as the 2012 recipient of the Jerlov Award during a ceremony at the Ocean Optics XXI Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.

In addition to receiving the Jerlov Award medal and gold lapel pin, Ken received a certificate from The Oceanography Society citing his pioneering work on in situ optical measurements of particles and dissolved matter, and the development of underwater imaging systems, including holographic systems for measuring particle dynamics; his many contributions to ocean color remote sensing and hyperspectral imaging; and his teaching and mentoring of students and postdoctoral fellows both at the University of South Florida and in the ocean optics classes with Mary Jane Perry.

This is the seventh presentation of the Jerlov Award, which is supported by The Oceanography Society, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Office of Naval Research. More information about the Jerlov Award can be viewed at: http://tos.org/jerlov-award.


2012 Jerlov Award: Kendall L. Carder. 2012. Oceanography 25(4):86.

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