Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 25 Issue 04

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Volume 25, No. 4
Pages 77 - 78


BOOK REVIEW • Ocean Dynamics and the Carbon Cycle: Principles and Mechanisms

By Dennis A. Hansell  
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Williams and Follows combined their expertise to write a book targeted at honors undergraduate or graduate students, as well as at professionals in ocean science who need to learn the fundamentals of disciplines outside their own. The authors began their science careers in physical oceanography and atmospheric sciences, respectively, at the University of East Anglia. Each evolved toward a strong research interest in ocean biogeochemistry, though from their own unique perspectives of ocean circulation and biogeochemical modeling. The content and structure of the book reflects this training and these interests.


Hansell, D.A. 2012. Review of Ocean Dynamics and the Carbon Cycle: Principles and Mechanisms, by R.G. Williams and M.J. Follows. Oceanography 25(4):77–78, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2012.111.

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