Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society

Volume 23 | Number 4 | December 2010

Special Issue: The Future of Oceanography from Space

On the Cover: Cover depicts the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite observatory in orbit off the coast of South America. The NASA Aquarius instrument will measure sea surface salinity, a key tracer for understanding ocean circulation and global freshwater balance. The artwork was designed by Kevin Miller, NASA Science Support Office, based on Aqua-MODIS data provided by Gene Feldman and Norman Kuring, NASA Ocean Color Group. The rendering of the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite was done by T. Britt Griswold, NASA Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe.
Cover PDF
Volume 23 Issue 04

Eddy Dynamics from Satellite Altimetry
By Lee-Lueng Fu , Dudley B. Chelton, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, and Rosemary Morrow

Global Sea Level Rise: Recent Progress and Challenges for the Decade to Come
By Josh K. Willis , Don P. Chambers, Chung-Yen Kuo , and C.K. Shum

Ocean Winds and Turbulent Air-Sea Fluxes Inferred From Remote Sensing
By Mark A. Bourassa, Sarah T. Gille, Darren L. Jackson, J. Brent Roberts , and Gary A. Wick

Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction at Oceanic Mesoscales
By Dudley B. Chelton and Shang-Ping Xie

Satellite Observations of Ocean Circulation Changes Associated With Climate Variability
By Tong Lee, Sirpa Hakkinen, Kathie Kelly, Bo Qiu , Hans Bonekamp, and Eric J. Lindstrom

The Ocean and the Global Water Cycle
By Gary Lagerloef , Raymond Schmitt, Julian Schanze, and Hsun-Ying Kao

Monitoring Ocean Currents with Satellite Sensors
By Kathleen Dohan and Nikolai Maximenko

Monitoring Coral Reefs from Space
By C. Mark Eakin, Carl J. Nim, Russell E. Brainard, Christoph Aubrecht, Chris Elvidge, Dwight K. Gledhill , Frank Muller-Karger, Peter J. Mumby , William J. Skirving, Alan E. Strong , Menghua Wang , Scarla Weeks , Frank Wentz , and Daniel Ziskin

Ocean Measurements from Space in 2025
By Anthony Freeman, Victor Zlotnicki , Tim Liu , Benjamin Holt, Ron Kwok , Simon Yueh , Jorge Vazquez , David Siegel , and Gary Lagerloef

Special Issue Guest Editors

Eric J. Lindstrom, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Nikolai Maximenko, University of Hawaii


Production of this issue was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.