Volume 23 | Number 4 | December 2010
Special Issue: The Future of Oceanography from Space
On the Cover: Cover depicts the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite observatory in orbit off the coast of South America. The NASA Aquarius instrument will measure sea surface salinity, a key tracer for understanding ocean circulation and global freshwater balance. The artwork was designed by Kevin Miller, NASA Science Support Office, based on Aqua-MODIS data provided by Gene Feldman and Norman Kuring, NASA Ocean Color Group. The rendering of the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite was done by T. Britt Griswold, NASA Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe.
Cover PDF

The Future of Oceanography from Space: Introduction to the Special Issue
Eric J. Lindstrom and
Nikolai Maximenko
Eddy Dynamics from Satellite Altimetry
Lee-Lueng Fu ,
Dudley B. Chelton,
Pierre-Yves Le Traon, and
Rosemary Morrow
Global Sea Level Rise: Recent Progress and Challenges for the Decade to Come
Josh K. Willis ,
Don P. Chambers,
Chung-Yen Kuo , and
C.K. Shum
Ocean Winds and Turbulent Air-Sea Fluxes Inferred From Remote Sensing
Mark A. Bourassa,
Sarah T. Gille,
Darren L. Jackson,
J. Brent Roberts , and
Gary A. Wick
Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction at Oceanic Mesoscales
Dudley B. Chelton and
Shang-Ping Xie
Satellite Observations of Ocean Circulation Changes Associated With Climate Variability
Tong Lee,
Sirpa Hakkinen,
Kathie Kelly,
Bo Qiu ,
Hans Bonekamp, and
Eric J. Lindstrom
The Ocean and the Global Water Cycle
Gary Lagerloef ,
Raymond Schmitt,
Julian Schanze, and
Hsun-Ying Kao
Monitoring Ocean Currents with Satellite Sensors
Kathleen Dohan and
Nikolai Maximenko
Study of Marine Ecosystems and Biogeochemistry Now and in the Future: Examples of the Unique Contributions from Space
James A. Yoder,
David A. Siegel , and
Cara Wilson
Monitoring Coral Reefs from Space
C. Mark Eakin,
Carl J. Nim,
Russell E. Brainard,
Christoph Aubrecht,
Chris Elvidge,
Dwight K. Gledhill ,
Frank Muller-Karger,
Peter J. Mumby ,
William J. Skirving,
Alan E. Strong ,
Menghua Wang ,
Scarla Weeks ,
Frank Wentz , and
Daniel Ziskin
Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Thickness and Kinematics: Satellite Retrievals and Modeling
Ron Kwok and
Deborah Sulsky
Ocean Measurements from Space in 2025
Anthony Freeman,
Victor Zlotnicki ,
Tim Liu ,
Benjamin Holt,
Ron Kwok ,
Simon Yueh ,
Jorge Vazquez ,
David Siegel , and
Gary Lagerloef
QUARTERDECK • A Tribute to Peter Niiler
Nikolai Maximenko and
Eric J. Lindstrom
FROM THE PRESIDENT • Building TOS Membership
Mike Roman
HANDS-ON OCEANOGRAPHY • Drifters, Drogues, and Circulation
Thomas O. Manley
BOOK REVIEW • Field Techniques for Sea Ice Research
Blake Weissling
BOOK REVIEW • Of Seas and Ships and Scientists: The Remarkable Story of the UK's National Institute of Oceanography
Eric Mills
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2010. Oceanography 23(4):177–179.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Eric J. Lindstrom, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Nikolai Maximenko, University of Hawaii
Production of this issue was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.