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Coral reefs are one of the world’s most biologically diverse and productive ecosystems. However, these valuable resources are highly threatened by human activities. Satellite remotely sensed observations enhance our understanding of coral reefs and some of the threats facing them by providing global spatial and time-series data on reef habitats and the environmental conditions influencing them in near-real time. This review highlights many of the ways in which satellites are currently used to monitor coral reefs and their threats, and provides a look toward future needs and capabilities.


Eakin, C.M., C.J. Nim, R.E. Brainard, C. Aubrecht, C. Elvidge, D.K. Gledhill, F. Muller-Karger, P.J. Mumby, W.J. Skirving, A.E. Strong, M. Wang, S. Weeks, F. Wentz, and D. Ziskin. 2010. Monitoring coral reefs from space. Oceanography 23(4):118–133, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2010.10.

    Adey, W.H., T.A. McConnaughey, A.M. Small, and D.M. Spoon. 2000. Coral reefs: Endangered, biodiverse, genetic resources. Pp. 33–42 in Seas at the Millennium. C.R.C. Sheppard, ed., Elsevier.
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  4. Andréfouët, S., R. Berkelmans, L. Odriozola, T. Done, J. Oliver, and F. Muller-Karger. 2002. Choosing the appropriate spatial resolution for monitoring coral bleaching events using remote sensing. Coral Reefs 21(2):147–154.
  5. Andréfouët, S., P. Kramer, D. Torres-Pulliza, K.E. Joyce, E.J. Hochberg, R. Garza-Perez, P.J. Mumby, B. Riegl, H. Yamano, W.H. White, and others. 2003. Multi-site evaluation of IKONOS data for classification of tropical coral reef environments. Remote Sensing of Environment 88(1–2):128–143.
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