Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 23 Issue 04

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Volume 23, No. 4


AWARDS • Jerlov Award and Best Student Paper Awards at the Ocean Optics XX Conference

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On September 30, 2010, Charles S. Yentsch (Plankton Research & Instruments and Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences) was honored as the 2010 recipient of the Jerlov Award during a ceremony at the Ocean Optics XX Conference in Anchorage, Alaska. Charlie was not able to attend the ceremony, however, he did convey his appreciation for receiving the award through a previously recorded video that was presented to the audience.

Charlie was honored for his enduring, pioneering work on phytoplankton, their optical properties and productivity, which ultimately gave rise to the field of ocean color remote sensing. He was also recognized for his founding of new oceanographic institutions, nurturing of future leaders in the field, and providing a vibrant research environment for the study of bio-optics.


Over 50 student papers were submitted to Ocean Optics XX, and the following awards were announced during the ceremony.

Best Student Paper

The Variation of the Polarized Downwelling Radiance Distribution with Depth in Coastal Water by Purushottam Bhandari, University of Miami

Honorable Mentions

Role of Iron in Mass-Specific Absorption of Particulate Matter from Louisiana Coastal Waters by Margaret L. Estapa, University of Maine

A Novel Concept for Measuring Seawater Inherent Optical Properties in and out of the Water by Alina Gainusa Bogdan, University of Maine

Understanding Cephalopod Camouflage by Use of a Novel 3D Vector Radiative Transfer Code by Meng Gao, Texas A&M University

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