Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 23 Issue 04

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Volume 23, No. 4
Pages 104 - 117


Study of Marine Ecosystems and Biogeochemistry Now and in the Future: Examples of the Unique Contributions from Space

By James A. Yoder , , David A. Siegel , and Cara Wilson 
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Article Abstract

Ocean color remote sensing has profoundly influenced how oceanographers think about marine ecosystems and their variability in space and time. Satellite ocean color radiometry (OCR) provides a unique perspective for studying the processes regulating marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry at scales difficult to study with ships and moorings. Satellite OCR is especially useful when supported by other in situ and space observations. In this review, we highlight three areas related to marine ecosystems and biogeochemical processes to which satellite observations have made important and unique contributions: understanding the responses of ocean ecosystems to physical processes operating at meso- to global scales, coupled physical-ecosystem-biogeochemical modeling, and marine living resource management.


Yoder, J.A., S.C. Doney, D.A. Siegel, and C. Wilson. 2010. Study of marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry now and in the future: Examples of the unique contributions from space. Oceanography 23(4):104–117, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2010.09.

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