Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society

Volume 17 | Number 4 | December 2004

Special Issue: Strata Formation on European Margins

On the Cover: Bathymetric image (10 meter resolution, no interpolation) of Cap de Creus Canyon, located in the Mediterranean Sea off northeastern Spain. Multibeam data were collected using the hull-mounted Simrad EM300 aboard Fugro Survey Ltd’s M/V Geo Prospector, June 28 to July 1, 2004. Data were collected in collaboration with AOA Geophysics Inc. and the University of Barcelona in support of the EuroSTRATAFORM Project. Depths ranged from 96 meters to 815 meters.
Cover PDF
Volume 17 Issue 04

Overview of Recent, Ongoing, and Future Investigations on the Dynamics and Evolution of European Margins
By Jürgen Mienert , Philip P.E. Weaver, Serge Berné, Wolf Christian Dullo, Dan Evans, André Freiwald , Jean-Pierre Henriet , B.B. Joergensen, Gilles Lericolais, Vasilios Lykousis, John Parkes, Fabio Trincardi, and Graham Westbrook

Mediterranean Prodelta Systems: Natural Evolution and Human Impact Investigated by EURODELTA
By Fabio Trincardi , Antonio Cattaneo, and Annamaria Correggiari

The PASTA Project: Investigation of Po and Apennine Sediment Transport and Accumulation
By Charles A. Nittrouer, Stefano Miserocchi , and Fabio Trincardi

Sediment Dynamics in the Adriatic Sea Investigated with Coupled Models
By Christopher R. Sherwood , Jeffrey W. Book, Sandro Carniel , Luigi Cavaleri , Jacopo Chiggiato, Himangshu Das, James D. Doyle, Courtney K. Harris, Alan W. Niedoroda , Henry Perkins , Pierre-Marie Poulain, Julie Pullen, Christopher W. Reed, Aniello Russo, Mauro Sclavo, Richard P. Signell, Peter Traykovski , and John C. Warner

The Impact of Humans on Strata Formation Along Mediterranean Margins
By Camino Liquete, Miquel Canals, Pedro Arnau , Roger Urgeles, and Xavier Durrieu de Madron

The Role of Canyons on Strata Formation
By Miquel Canals, Jose Luis Casamor, Galderic Lastras , André Monaco, Juan Acosta, Serge Berné, Benoît Loubrieu, Philip P.E. Weaver, Anthony Grehan, and Bernard Dennielou

Clinoform Generation on Mediterranean Margins
By Antonio Cattaneo, Fabio Trincardi , Leonardo Langone, Alessandra Asioli , and Pere Puig

Modeling Continental Shelf Formation in the Adriatic Sea and Elsewhere
By Lincoln Pratson, John Swenson , Albert Kettner , Juan Fedele, George Postma, Alan W. Niedoroda , Carl Friedrichs, James P.M. Syvitski , Chris Paola , Mike Steckler, Eric Hutton , Christopher W. Reed , M. Van Dijk , and Himangshu Das

Hotspot Ecosystem Research on Europe's Deep-Ocean Margins
By Philip P.E. Weaver, David S.M. Billett , Antje Boetius, Roberto Danovaro, André Freiwald , and Myriam Sibuet

Imaging the Seascapes of the Mediterranean
By David Amblàs, Miquel Canals, Galderic Lastras, Serge Berné , and Benoît Loubrieu

EUROpean Deep Ocean Margins (EuroDOM): A New Training-Through-Research Frontier
By Ben De Mol , Veerle Huvenne, Stefan Bünz , Tiago Alves, Miquel Canals , and Vikki Gunn


UNOLS Establishes SCOAR to Promote Research Aircraft Facilities for U.S. Ocean Sciences
By John M. Bane, Robert Bluth, Charles Flagg , Carl A. Friehe, Haflidi Jonsson, W. Kendall Melville , Mike Prince , and Daniel Riemer

Special Issue Guest Editors

James P.M. Syvitski, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Philip P.E. Weaver, Southampton Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom
Serge Berné, Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer (IFREMER), France
Charles A. Nittrouer, School of Oceanography, University of Washington, USA
Fabio Trincardi, Istituto di Scienze Marine-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ISMAR-CNR), Italy
Miquel Canals, GRC Geociències Marines, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain


We would like to thank the U.S. Office of Naval Research and the European Commission for sponsoring this issue of the magazine.