Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 17 Issue 04

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Volume 17, No. 4
Pages 186 - 193


MEETING REPORT • Eighth International Conference on Paleoceanography

By Francis E. Grousset , Peggy Delaney , Harry Elderfield, Kay-Christian Emeis, Gerald Haug , Larry C. Peterson, Thomas Stocker, and Pinxian Wang 
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Every three years since 1983, the paleoceanographic community comes together to share new discoveries and celebrate their discipline at the International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP). The host country and meeting location are different each time, and the next venue is selected by community vote at the end of each conference. In recognition of the internationally renowned efforts of the French community in both the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and International Marine Global Changes (IMAGES) coring programs, France was selected at the end of ICP-7 in Sapporo (Japan) to be the organizer of the 2004 ICP-8.


Grousset, F.E., P. Delaney, H. Elderfield, K.-C. Emeis, G. Haug, L.C. Peterson, T. Stocker, and P. Wang. 2004. Meeting report: Eighth International Conference on Paleoceanography. Oceanography 17(4):186–193, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2004.19.

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