Volume 09 | Number 1 | 1996
Marine Biological Diversity: A Special Issue Commemorating 25 Years of Science and Service by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
On the Cover: The whitemouth moray (Gymnothorax meleagris) exhibits classic posture as the Hawaiian cleaner wrasse (Labroides phthirophagus) removes its parasites on the reef at Hanauma Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. These behaviors are coevolved and exemplify the complexity of species' interdependencies in marine environments. The cleaner wrasse has a restricted range and is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll. The moray, by contrast, is among the most widespread of Indo-Pacific reef fishes, occurring from South and eastern Africa to Japan, Australia, Hawaii, French Polynesia. and east to the Galapagos Islands. It has been hypothesized that Indo-Pacific fishes with ranges spanning the island free "eastern Pacific biogeographic barrier" are those with exceptionally long lived pelagic stages or alternate forms of transport such as rafting. (Photo by Bruce C. Mundy, NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center Honolulu Laboratory.)
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A River That Flows to the Sea: The Marine Biological Diversity Movement
Elliott A. Norse
Chemical Ecology and Marine Biodiversity: Insights and Products from the Sea
Mark E. Hay and
William Fenical
National Perspectives on Marine Biotechnology
D.H. Attaway
Marine Biodiversity and the Medicine Cabinet: The Status of New Drugs from Marine Organisms
William Fenical
Biodiversity and the Sustainability of Marine Fisheries
George W. Boehlert
Marine Bioinvasions: The Alteration of Marine Ecosystems by Nonindigenous Species
James T. Carlton
The Central Role of Systematics in Marine Biodiversity Problems
Michael Vecchione and
Bruce B. Collette
The Importance of Systematics to Fisheries: Short Examples of the Important Role of Systematics to Fisheries Management
The Importance of Systematics to Fisheries: Short Examples of the Important Role of Systematics to Fisheries Management. 1996. Oceanography 9(1):46–49.
Biodiversity is Biogeography: Implications for Conservation
G. Carleton Ray
The Role of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity
W.M. Eichbaum,
M.P. Crosby ,
M.T. Agardy, and
S.A. Laskin
Management Strategies to Conserve Marine Biodiversity
James A. Bohnsack and
Jerald S. Ault
Coral Reefs and Biodiversity: A Critical and Threatened Relationship
J.E. Maragos,
M.P. Crosby , and
J.W. McManus
International Law: Implications for Exploitation of Deep-Sea Benthic Biodiversity
Patricia Kraniotis and
Roger B. Griffis
FROM THE GUEST EDITOR • Message from the Special Editor
Kathryn D. Sullivan
BOOK REVIEW • Understanding Marine Biodiversity
Review of Understanding Marine Biodiversity. 1996. Oceanography 9(1):102–103.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Kathryn D. Sullivan, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration