Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society

Volume 21 | Number 1 | March 2008

Special Issue: Salinity

On the Cover: Schematic showing floats, drifters, gliders, moorings, ships, and satellites sampling an ocean volume in sufficient density to constrain the upper-ocean salinity budget and thus surface freshwater flux. Gliders patrol the boundaries, floats and drifters monitor the interior, and flux buoys and satellites assess air-sea interactions. Such control-volume experiments run over several seasonal cycles will greatly aid the representation of upper-ocean advection and mixing processes in climate models. For further discussion, see “What’s Next for Salinity” on p. 82 of this issue.
Cover PDF
Volume 21 Issue 01

Salinity in Argo: A Modern View of a Changing Ocean
By Stephen C. Riser , Li Ren , and Annie Wong

The Aquarius/SAC-D Mission: Designed to Meet the Salinity Remote-Sensing Challenge
By Gary Lagerloef , F. Raul Colomb, David Le Vine, Frank Wentz, Simon Yueh, Christopher Ruf , Jonathan Lilly, John Gunn , Yi Chao, Annette deCharon, Gene Feldman , and Calvin Swift

What's Next for Salinity?
By The CLIVAR Salinity Working Group


Eastern US Continental Shelf Carbon Budget: Integrating Models, Data Assimilation, and Analysis
By Eileen Hofmann, Jean-Noël Druon, Katja Fennel , Marjorie Friedrichs, Dale Haidvogel , Cindy Lee , Antonio Mannino, Charles McClain , Raymond Najjar, John O’Reilly, David Pollard, Michael Previdi , Sybil Seitzinger , John Siewert, Sergio Signorini , and John Wilkin

Special Issue Guest Editors

Raymond W. Schmitt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


This issue was generously sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.