Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society

Volume 19 | Number 4 | December 2006

Special Issue: The Impact of the Ocean Drilling Program

On the Cover: Front cover: The Ocean Drilling Program’s JOIDES Resolution in port in St. John, Newfoundland, Canada. Photo credit: Bill Crawford, IODP/TAMU. Back cover (top) Integrated Ocean Drilling Program riser drillship Chikyu. (middle) IODP Expedition 302 (Arctic coring) from a Mission-Specific Platform. Ships are the icebreakers Vidar Viking, Oden, and Sovetskiy Soyuz. Photo credit: H. Pälke. (bottom) Deep Sea Drilling Project drillship Glomar Challenger.
Cover PDF
Volume 19 Issue 04

Time is of the Essence
By Ted Moore and Heiko Pälike

The Seismogenic Zone Experiment
By Masataka Kinoshita, Gregory Moore, Roland von Huene, Harold Tobin, and Cesar R. Ranero

Rapid Climate Change and Climate Surprises: A Look Back and Ahead
By Gabriel M. Filippelli and Catherine Souch

New Insights into the Hydrogeology of the Oceanic Crust through Long-Term Monitoring
By Miriam Kastner, Keir Becker , Earl E. Davis, Andrew T. Fisher, Hans W. Jannasch, Evan A. Solomon, and Geoffrey Wheat

Exploration of Life in Deep Subseafloor Sediments
By David C. Smith and Steven D’Hondt

The Birds of DSDP Leg 96
By William R. Normark

Past and Future Impact of Deep Drilling in the Oceanic Crust and Mantle
By Henry J.B. Dick, James H. Natland, and Benoit Ildefonse

Greenhouse World and the Mesozoic Ocean
By Reishi Takashima, Hiroshi Nishi , Brian T. Huber , and R. Mark Leckie

An Ocean View of the Early Cenozoic Greenhouse World
By Ellen Thomas , Henk Brinkhuis , Matthew Huber, and Ursula Röhl

Manufacturing Continental Crust in the Subduction Factory
By Yoshiyuki Tatsumi and Robert J. Stern

Drilling Crew
By John Farrell

Gas Hydrates in Marine Sediments: Lessons from Scientific Ocean Drilling
By Anne M. Tréhu, Carolyn Ruppel , Melanie Holland , Gerald R. Dickens, Marta E. Torres , Timothy S. Collett , David Goldberg, Michael Riedel , and Peter Schultheiss

Ocean Seismic Observatories
By Kiyoshi Suyehiro , Jean-Paul Montagner , Ralph A. Stephen, Eiichiro Araki , Toshihiko Kanazawa, John Orcutt, Barbara Romanowicz, Selwyn Sacks , and Masanao Shinohara

Large Igneous Provinces and Scientific Ocean Drilling: Status Quo and A Look Ahead
By Millard F. Coffin, Robert A. Duncan, Olav Eldholm , J. Godfrey Fitton, Fred A. Frey, Hans Christian Larsen, John J. Mahoney , Andrew D. Saunders , Roland Schlich, and Paul J. Wallace

The Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) Recovers a Cenozoic History of the Arctic Ocean
By Kathryn Moran, Jan Backman , and The IODP Expedition 302 Science Party

Mission-Specific Platforms for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
By Dan Evans , Gilbert Camoin , David McInroy, and Alister Skinner

An Ice-Breaking Experience
By Kathleen Couchon

Special Issue Guest Editors

Robert Burger, Joint Oceanographic Institutions Inc.
Kantaro Fujioka, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology


Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology sponsored this special issue.