Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 19 Issue 04

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Volume 19, No. 4
Pages 192 - 193


BOOK REVIEW • Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions (Volume 2)

By Peter Wadhams  
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This multi-author work is the latest (vol. 39) in an International Series on Advances in Fluid Mechanics published by WIT Press, the publishing arm of the Wessex Institute of Technology, near Southampton, UK. The stated objective of the series is to bring advances in the field, made by exceptional researchers, to the attention of the broad international community by means of volumes of invited contributions. Its purpose therefore seems to resemble that of Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, but how does it shape up? First, Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions (Volume 2) is much shorter (224 pages compared with 600 or so for ARFM). Second, Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions (Volume 2) is more expensive; $142 is a lot to pay for such a short book.


Wadhams, P. 2006. Review of Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions (Volume 2), edited by W. Perrie. Oceanography 19(4):192–193, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2006.40.

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