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No one who ever saw Roger Larson in action would consider him a shrinking violet. A great deal of his action over four decades in marine geology was in connection with scientific ocean drilling, about which he was an unabashed advocate. Roger had a particular interest in the Mesozoic geology of the Pacific, and just about the only way to deal with this huge tract of Earth’s surface beyond the examination of wiggly magnetic lineations and fuzzy profiler records was to core it. But what with thick sediments, flinty cherts, volcanic overprints, and basalt alteration, this was no simple business. Roger thus applied himself persistently, persuasively, vigorously, and with great voice to getting one drilling program after another onto the books and into the scientific literature. Roger’s passing this last May at age 63 cut short not just an eminent career in geosciences and exploration of the ocean floor, but that of one of the leading drilling scientists of his generation.