Volume 28 | Number 4 | December 2015
Special Issue: A New Look at the Low-Latitude Western Pacific
On the Cover: Photo taken from R/V Ocean Researcher I after finishing physical and biological sampling along a section of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan in September 2014. The large ocean circulation such as that of the North Pacific conveys tremendous heat, water mass, and energy from the equatorial to the mid-latitude ocean and thus is a vital component of Earth’s climate system. The joint effort of the US Origins of the Kuroshio and Mindanao Current and the Taiwan Observations of the Kuroshio Transports and Variability programs is providing a new look into the variability and connectivity of the North Equatorial Current, Mindanao Current, and Kuroshio in the western Pacific.
Cover PDF

FROM THE GUEST EDITORS • A New Look at Circulation in the Western North Pacific: Introduction to the Special Issue
Daniel L. Rudnick ,
Sen Jan , and
Craig M. Lee
The Pacific North Equatorial Current: New Insights from the Origins of the Kuroshio and Mindanao Currents (OKMC) Project
Bo Qiu ,
Daniel L. Rudnick,
Ivana Cerovecki,
Bruce D. Cornuelle,
Shuiming Chen,
Martha C. Schönau,
Julie L. McClean, and
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan
The Mindanao Current: Mean Structure and Connectivity
Martha C. Schönau,
Daniel L. Rudnick ,
Ivana Cerovecki ,
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan ,
Bruce D. Cornuelle,
Julie L. McClean, and
Bo Qiu
Shifts in Chlorophyll a off Eastern Luzon, Philippines, Associated with the North Equatorial Current Bifurcation Latitude
Olivia C. Cabrera,
Cesar L. Villanoy,
Irene D. Alabia , and
Arnold L. Gordon
The Kuroshio and Luzon Undercurrent East of Luzon Island
Ren-Chieh Lien ,
Barry Ma,
Craig M. Lee,
Thomas B. Sanford,
Vigan Mensah ,
Luca R. Centurioni ,
Bruce D. Cornuelle,
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan,
Arnold L. Gordon ,
Ming-Huei Chang ,
Steve R. Jayne , and
Yiing Jang Yang
Two Mechanisms Cause Dual Velocity Maxima in the Kuroshio East of Taiwan
Kai-Chieh Yang,
Joe Wang ,
Craig M. Lee,
Barry Ma,
Ren-Chieh Lien,
Sen Jan,
Yiing Jang Yang, and
Ming-Huei Chang
Mean Structure and Fluctuations of the Kuroshio East of Taiwan from In Situ and Remote Observations
Yiing Jang Yang,
Sen Jan ,
Ming-Huei Chang,
Joe Wang,
Vigan Mensah,
Tien-Hsia Kuo,
Cheng-Ju Tsai ,
Chung-Yaung Lee ,
Magdalena Andres,
Luca R. Centurioni ,
Yu-Heng Tseng ,
Wen-Der Liang , and
Jian-Wu Lai
Mean Structure and Variability of the Kuroshio from Northeastern Taiwan to Southwestern Japan
Magdalena Andres ,
Sen Jan,
Thomas B. Sanford ,
Vigan Mensah ,
Luca R. Centurioni , and
Jeffrey W. Book
QUARTERDECK • The Career Profiles Column: Providing Job-Hunting Options and Insights for Five Years and Counting
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • A Tribute to John A. Knauss (1925–2015)
M. Susan Lozier
COMMENTARY • Bathymetric Extent of Recent Trawl Damage to the Seabed Captured by an ROV Transect in the Alboran Sea
Michael L. Brennan,
Miquel Canals,
Dwight F. Coleman,
James A. Austin Jr., and
David Amblas
RIPPLE MARKS • Life in a Tangled Mangal: Turning the Tide for Mangroves
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
HANDS-ON OCEANOGRAPHY • Mimicking the Rayleigh Isotope Effect in the Ocean
Elizabeth M. Griffith ,
Joseph D. Ortiz , and
Anne J. Jefferson
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and insights. 2015. Oceanography 28(4):102–104.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Daniel Rudnick, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Sen Jan, National Taiwan University
Craig Lee, University of Washington
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the Office of Naval Research through a grant to Scripps Institution of Oceanography.