Volume 30 | Number 3 | September 2017
Special Issue on Sedimentary Processes Building a Tropical Delta Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: The Mekong System
On the Cover: Landsat image of Mekong Delta and adjacent ocean on September 18, 2014, during period of intense fieldwork described in the special issue section. Shown are the turbid distributary channels, complex mangrove shorelines, and surface plumes extending into the East Sea. Image was processed by MDA Information Systems, and is oriented so north is up on the page.
Cover PDF

FROM THE GUEST EDITORS • Introduction to the Special Issue on Sedimentary Processes Building a Tropical Delta Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: The Mekong System
Charles A. Nittrouer,
Julia C. Mullarney,
Mead A. Allison, and
Andrea S. Ogston
How Tidal Processes Impact the Transfer of Sediment from Source to Sink: Mekong River Collaborative Studies
Andrea S. Ogston,
Mead A. Allison,
Robin L. McLachlan,
Daniel J. Nowacki, and
J. Drew Stephens
A Question of Scale: How Turbulence Around Aerial Roots Shapes the Seabed Morphology in Mangrove Forests of the Mekong Delta
Julia C. Mullarney,
Stephen M. Henderson,
Benjamin K. Norris,
Karin R. Bryan,
Aaron T. Fricke,
Dean R. Sandwell , and
Daniel P. Culling
Buried Alive or Washed Away: The Challenging Life of Mangroves in the Mekong Delta
Sergio Fagherazzi,
Karin R. Bryan, and
William Nardin
The Mekong Continental Shelf: The Primary Sink for Deltaic Sediment Particles and Their Passengers
Charles A. Nittrouer ,
David J. DeMaster,
Emily F. Eidam,
Thanh T. Nguyen,
J. Paul Liu,
Andrea S. Ogston, and
Phach V. Phung
Challenges of Observational Oceanography in the Modern Coastal Ocean
Charles A. Nittrouer
Stratigraphic Formation of the Mekong River Delta and Its Recent Shoreline Changes
J. Paul Liu,
David J. DeMaster,
Thanh T. Nguyen,
Yoshiki Saito ,
Van Lap Nguyen,
Thi Kim Oanh Ta, and
Xing Li
Modeling the Process Response of Coastal and Deltaic Systems to Human and Global Changes: Focus on the Mekong System
Ehab Meselhe,
Dano Roelvink,
Christopher Wackerman,
Fei Xing, and
Vo Quoc Thanh
Sedimentation and Survival of the Mekong Delta: A Case Study of Decreased Sediment Supply and Accelerating Rates of Relative Sea Level Rise
Mead A. Allison ,
Charles A. Nittrouer,
Andrea S. Ogston,
Julia C. Mullarney, and
Thanh T. Nguyen
Internal Waves Along the Malvinas Current: Evidence of Transcritical Generation in Satellite Imagery
Jorge M. Magalhães and
José C.B. da Silva
QUARTERDECK • The Garden of Science
Ellen S. Kappel
FROM THE PRESIDENT • Planning the Future of Ocean Sciences
Alan C. Mix
RIPPLE MARKS • The Jumbo Carbon Footprint of a Surf-and-Turf Dinner
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
HANDS-ON OCEANOGRAPHY • Assessing Cross-Shore and Alongshore Variation in Beach Morphology Due to Wave Climate: Storms to Decades
Shari L. Gallop,
Mitchell D. Harley,
Robert W. Brander,
Joshua A. Simmons,
Kristen D. Splinter, and
Ian L. Turner
BOOK REVIEW • The Oceanographer’s Companion: Essential Nautical Skills for Seagoing Scientists and Engineers
Cindy Lee Van Dover
CAREER PROFILES • Options and Insights
Career profiles—Options and Insights. 2017. Oceanography 30(3):129–131.
AWARDS • The 2017 Walter Munk Award: Andone C. Lavery
The 2017 Walter Munk Award: Andone C. Lavery. 2017. Oceanography 30(3):132.
Special Issue Guest Editors
Charles Nittrouer, University of Washington
Julia Mullarney, University of Waikato
Mead Allison, Tulane University
Andrea Ogston, University of Washington
Production of this issue of Oceanography was supported by the Office of Naval Research through grant N00014-17-1-2888 to the University of Washington, Seattle.