Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society

Volume 17 | Number 1 | March 2004

Special Issue: Bathymetry from Space

On the Cover: The computer-generated image of Earth’s land and submarine relief (courtesy of W.H.F. Smith of NOAA) combines land elevation data compiled by the GLOBE project at the National Geophysical Data Center with seafloor topography produced by W.H.F. Smith and D.T. Sandwell (Science, vol 277, p. 1956–1962, 1977). This seafloor topography is an example of “Bathymetry from Space,” which is the subject of this special issue. It is produced by combining traditional echosoundings of depth with marine gravity anomaly information inferred from space radar measurements of ocean surface shape.
Cover PDF
Volume 17 Issue 01

The Contributions of Abyssal Hill Morphology and Noise to Altimetric Gravity Fabric
By John A. Goff , Walter H.F. Smith , and Karen M. Marks

Tsunami Scattering and Earthquake Faults in the Deep Pacific Ocean
By Harold O. Mofjeld, Christina Massell Symons, Peter Lonsdale , Frank I. González , and Vasily V. Titov

Seafloor Topography and Ocean Circulation
By Sarah T. Gille, E. Joseph Metzger, and Robin Tokmakian

Connections Between Ocean Bottom Topography and Earth's Climate
By Steven R. Jayne , Louis C. St. Laurent, and Sarah T. Gille

Special Issue Guest Editors

Walter H.F. Smith, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Office of Research and Applications, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration