Volume 06 | Number 1 | 1993
On the Cover: At high latitudes, the sea-ice edge toward the land is commonly marked by a flaw lead at the fast ice/pack ice boundary. This lead opens and closes as the pack ice moves. For short periods, open water may exist in the lead; but more often, the lead will be covered with new ice, because of the rapid ice formation during the cold winter months. Location: Northern Baffin Bay, NW coast of Greenland at 75 ° N. (Photo by Konrad Steffen). [ See article by Barry et el., page 4]
Cover PDF

Advances in Sea-Ice Research Based on Remotely Sensed Passive Microwave Data
R.G. Barry,
J. Maslanik,
K. Steffen ,
R.L. Weaver,
V. Troisi ,
D.J. Cavalieri, and
S. Martin
Fisheries, El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Upper Ocean Temperature Records: An Eastern Pacific Example
Gary D. Sharp and
Douglas R. McLain
Supersquirt: Dynamics of the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico
Eric D. Barton,
Maria L. Argote,
Juan Brown,
P. Michael Kosro,
Miguel Lavin,
Jose M. Robles ,
Robert L. Smith,
Armando Trasviña , and
Hector S. Velez
QUARTERDECK • Coastal Oceanographic Research: Toward a Global Understanding
Charles A. Nittrouer