Volume 05 | Number 2 | 1992
On the Cover: An advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) image showing sea surface temperature on October 8, 1991 extending from Cape Hatteras to the southern New Jersey coast. In false-color representation higher temperatures are yellow, while cooler waters are orange and red. The line indicates a ship track taken between October 10 and 11 extending from Delaware Bay to the Western Sargasso Sea. The station numbers are indicated. The ship traversed from the nutrient-poor Sargasso Sea, across the Gulf Stream, through a nutrient-rich filament of shelf water, across a region of nutrient-poor shelf-slope waters, and onto the continental shelf. The bottom panel shows the changes in variable fluorescence measured with a pump-and-probe fluorometer at the corresponding stations in near-surface natural phytoplankton communities. Note the twofold variations in the changes in the quantum yields of fluorescence, which are primarily related to nutrient availability in the given water masses. (AVRHH image was provided by R. Evans, University of Miami, and P. Minnett, Brookhaven National Laboratory.) [See article by Falkowski et el., page 84]
Cover PDF

Physiological Limitations on Phytoplankton Productivity in the Ocean
Paul G. Falkowski ,
Richard M. Greene , and
Richard J. Geider
Basin-Scale Ocean Monitoring with Acoustic Thermometers
John L. Spiesberger and
Kurt Metzger
Decade-to-Century Changes in the Ocean Circulation
Carl Wunsch
Measurement of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Natural Waters
Peter M. Williams
QUARTERDECK • I Plead Guilty
Charles A. Nittrouer
Letters to the Editor. 1992. Oceanography 5(2):83.
REVIEW AND COMMENT • Graduate Education in Physical Oceanography
Joseph Pedlosky
REVIEW AND COMMENT • On John Isaac's 1952 Measurements of Surface-Ship and Submarine Wakes
David Sheres and
Walter Munk
NEWS AND INFORMATION • Oceanographic Data Archaeology: Finding Historical Data for Climate and Global Change Research
Bruce B. Parker
NEWS AND INFORMATION • Let Roger Revelle Speak for Himself
Walter Munk and
Edward A. Frieman
NEWS AND INFORMATION • What Can We Do About Climate Change?
Roger R. Revelle
SHIPS AND FACILITIES • R/V Thomas G. Thompson (AGOR-23): The Newest Addition to the UNOLS Fleet
R/V Thomas G. Thompson (AGOR-23): The Newest Addition to the UNOLS Fleet. 1992. Oceanography 5(2):127.