Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 05 Issue 02

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Volume 05, No. 2
Pages 99 - 106


Decade-to-Century Changes in the Ocean Circulation

By Carl Wunsch 
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First Paragraph

The origins of this note lie in an invitation from Dr. Lynne Talley to speak at the second meeting of The Oceanography Society regarding climate change in the ocean on time scales of decades to about 100 years. In reviewing the literature, I was increasingly struck by how little could actually be said about known changes. Here I would like to summarize the situation and at the end to briefly discuss what we might do about future changes.


Wunsch, C. 1992. Decade-to-century changes in the ocean circulation. Oceanography 5(2):99–106, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1992.16.

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