Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 13 Issue 03

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Volume 13, No. 3
Pages 70 - 74


World-wide Ocean Optics Database (WOOD)

By Jeffrey H. Smart  
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Article Abstract Citation Copyright & Usage
Article Abstract

A very large volume of vertical profiles of optical properties, nutrients, and chlorophyll has been acquired in numerous data formats and from many institutions around the world. These data have been converted to a single data format, loaded into a relational Oracle© database, and made available to the public over the internet at http://wood.jhuapl.edu. The database also includes related oceanographic data such as temperature, salinity, and water depth. Users can search by parameter name, location, date, wavelength, and water depth. A graphical user interface is provided to access and display the data. On-screen data profile plots are linked to a chart of the data locations which includes coastlines.


Smart, J.H. 2000. World-wide Ocean Optics Database (WOOD). Oceanography 13(3):70–74, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2000.13.

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