Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 29 Issue 03

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Volume 29, No. 3
Pages 226 - 228


THE OCEANOGRAPHY CLASSROOM • Why Wet Students Are the Best: The Ins and Outs of Fieldwork

By Simon Boxall  
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As summer comes to an end in the Northern Hemisphere (and begins in the Southern), many academics are reflecting on the successes of their summer field courses (or planning for events yet to come). Fieldwork is particularly critical for marine scientists, but it has a range of logistical challenges. With envy, I observe groups of historians popping across to Florence for a long weekend with two staff and 30 students, or our geologists heading off to their summer mapping course with a hammer, a compass, and, of course, a hard hat (safety first)…


Boxall, S. 2016. Why wet students are the best: The ins and outs of fieldwork. Oceanography 29(3):226–228, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.71.

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