Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 25 Issue 03

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Volume 25, No. 3
Pages 84 - 89


What Lies Beneath? Interdisciplinary Outcomes of the ANDRILL Coulman High Project Site Surveys on the Ross Ice Shelf

By Frank R. Rack , Robert (Bob) Zook , Richard H. Levy, Richard Limeburner, Craig Stewart , Michael J.M. Williams , Bruce Luyendyk , and The ANDRILL Coulman High Project Site Survey Team  
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Article Abstract

Extensive field operations were conducted on the northwestern Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica from November 2010 through January 2011. A significant amount of equipment, supplies, and people safely traversed from McMurdo Station to establish a series of combined United States–New Zealand field camps at locations northeast of Ross Island. The ANDRILL (ANtarctic geological DRILLing) hot water drill system was used to melt multiple access holes through the ice shelf at each site to deploy a variety of sediment coring tools, cameras, and oceanographic instruments, as well as a remotely operated vehicle to characterize the ice shelf and sub-ice environment. These studies will contribute to future proposed geological drilling as part of the ANDRILL Coulman High Project.


Rack, F.R., R. Zook, R.H. Levy, R. Limeburner, C. Stewart, M.J.M. Williams, B. Luyendyk, and the ANDRILL Coulman High Project Site Survey Team. 2012. What lies beneath? Interdisciplinary outcomes of the ANDRILL Coulman High Project site surveys on the Ross Ice Shelf. Oceanography 25(3):84–89, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2012.79.

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