Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 14 Issue 02

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Volume 14, No. 2
Pages 10 - 10


Vignette—The South Seas, the Indian Ocean, and the 1997-1998 El Niño: Influences of John Knauss

By D. James Baker 
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While walking back to my graduate student lodgings on a snowy winter day in Ithaca, New York, I learned from my roommate that his brother had a fellowship from Scripps to go to the South Seas for the summer. This sounded good to me, so I wrote and was accepted. When I arrived in La Jolla, I was told that I would work for a 35-year old graduate student, John Knauss, and instead of the South Seas, we would just be going south of San Diego. But it seemed like fun anyway, and I made the Dorado cruise aboard the R/V Horizon, a 150-foot seagoing tug.


Baker, D.J. 2001. Vignette—The South Seas, the Indian Ocean, and the 1997-1998 El Niño: Influences of John Knauss. Oceanography 14(2):10, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2001.33.

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