Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 23 Issue 02

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Volume 23, No. 2
Pages 92 - 97


Using Adaptive Management to Resolve Uncertainties for Wave and Tidal Energy Projects

By Cherise Oram  and Chad Marriott 
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As the nation clamors for new renewable energy sources, hydrokinetic technologies—including wave, current, tidal, and in-stream energy technologies—offer promising additions to the grid. Placing new technologies in ocean and tidal environments, which contain vast, sometimes sensitive resources but are, surprisingly, relatively unstudied, presents a challenge to agencies and developers alike as the industry strives to move through initial project-permitting stages in an efficient but environmentally responsible manner.


Oram, C., and C. Marriott. 2010. Using adaptive management to resolve uncertainties for wave and tidal energy projects. Oceanography 23(2):92–97, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2010.48.

  1. California Coastal Commission. 1995. Procedural Guidance for Evaluating Wetland Mitigation Projects in California’s Coastal Zone. Available online at: http://www.coastal.ca.gov/weteval/we12glos.html.
  2. Williams, B.K., R.C. Szaro, and C.D. Shapiro. 2009. Adaptive Management: The US Department of the Interior Technical Guide. Adaptive Management Working Group, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC. Available online at: http://www.doi.gov/initiatives/AdaptiveManagement/TechGuide/Chapter1.pdf (accessed March 5, 2010).
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