Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 24 Issue 01

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Volume 24, No. 1
Pages 48 - 57


Two-Way Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Modeling of the PhilEx Intensive Observational Periods

By Paul W. May , James D. Doyle, Julie D. Pullen, and Laura T. David  
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Article Abstract

High-resolution coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations of the Philippines show the regional and local nature of atmospheric patterns and ocean response during Intensive Observational Period cruises in January–February 2008 (IOP-08) and February–March 2009 (IOP-09) for the Philippine Straits Dynamics Experiment. Winds were stronger and more variable during IOP-08 because the time period covered was near the peak of the northeast monsoon season. Distinct wind jets between islands and wakes behind islands are common northeast monsoon features that are controlled by winds interacting with island topography. The modeled upper-ocean flow associated with Philippine straits during IOP-08 exhibits large (> 1 m s-1) westward mean flow through Suriago Strait and highly variable flow through Mindoro Strait. The model shows prominent eddies in the Bohol Sea and Cuyo East Pass that were also observed during the field experiment. A high-resolution nested simulation of the Verde Island Passage finds local wind-driven upwelling that is confirmed by shipboard sea surface temperature measurements and satellite observations of chlorophyll concentration.


May, P.W., J.D. Doyle, J.D. Pullen, and L.T. David. 2011. Two-way coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling of the PhilEx Intensive Observational Periods. Oceanography 24(1):48–57, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2011.03.


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