Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 02 Issue 01

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Volume 02, No. 1
Pages 9 - 14


Toxic Algal Bloom in Scandinavian Waters, May–June 1988

By I. Dundas , O.M. Johannessen , G. Berge, and B. Heimdal 
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Since 1966, a number of blooms of toxic dinoflagellates have been reported along the southern coast of Norway. Most were caused by the species Gyrodinium aureolum, which produces toxins that can cause fish kills. Another common species is Prorocentrum minimum, which produces toxins that may accumulate in filter feeding animals (e.g., mussels) without necessarily causing harm to these animals; however, the accumulated toxins may render them toxic to consumers (Tangen, 1983).


Dundas, I., O.M. Johannessen, G. Berge, and B. Heimdal. 1989. Toxic algal bloom in Scandinavian waters, May–June 1988. Oceanography 2(1):9–14, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1989.24.

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