Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 10 Issue 03

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Volume 10, No. 3
Pages 103 - 103


QUARTERDECK • TOS Meetings—A Great Place to Meet

By Larry Atkinson  
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This issue focuses on the TOS 1997 Meeting in Seattle. Unfortunately, due to space limitations of the magazine, we were unable to include more of the papers given at the meeting. TOS meetings have an unusual format with a locus on invited presentations. A normal day begins with a morning of presentations, followed by an afternoon of poster presentations, and a final plenary session that covers a very broad topical area.

This format is appealing because it gives all of us a chance to hear a particular topic discussed by the leading experts: “‘From the horse’s mouth” so to speak. I think it is also beneficial for the younger oceanographers to have the opportunity to meet and hear the older oceanographers summarize their knowledge and thus “pass the torch” or at least learn what must be passed! The format of the TOS meeting allows this to happen. The meetings have not been without problems but with a strong program committee in place and an energetic Council I sense the meetings will gain historic vigor.

We all have more than enough meetings to attend but I believe that the TOS meetings have added value over the others. Come to the Paris meeting in 1998 where you can meet colleagues from Europe in an exciting setting at the International Oceanographic Commission headquarters. In 1999, the biennial meeting of TOS will be held in the U.S., as always. The Meeting Committee is considering Baltimore, Tampa/St. Petersburg, New Orleans, and San Antonio.

– Larry Atkinson


Atkinson, L. 1997. Quarterdeck: TOS meetings—A great place to meet. Oceanography 10(3):103, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1997.10.

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