Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 14 Issue 02

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Volume 14, No. 2
Pages 11 - 16


The Stratton Commission: The Model for a Sea Change in National Marine Policy

By William J. Merrell , Mary Hope Katsouros , and Jacqueline Bienski  
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In 1966, Congress enacted the Marine Resources and Engineering Development Act, which focused unprecedented attention on the nation’s coasts and oceans. This major piece of legislation moved beyond issues of ocean science into the organization and improved coordination of federal ocean activities. It led the United States to propose the International Decade of Ocean Exploration (DOE) in 1968 and to support the establishment of the World Weather Program. But the 1966 Act was best known for creating a blue ribbon presidential commission on marine science activities.


Merrell, W.J., M.H. Katsouros, and J. Bienski. 2001. The Stratton Commission: The model for a sea change in national marine policy. Oceanography 14(2):11–16, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2001.34.

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