Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 23 Issue 02

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Volume 23, No. 2
Pages 32 - 41


Technological Challenges to Commercial-Scale Application of Marine Renewables

By Greg Beaudoin, Derek Robertson , Ronan Doherty, Dean Corren, Bill Staby, and Laurie Meyer  
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Marine renewable energy has many attractive qualities, including high energy densities for ocean wave and tidal power generation, and a high capacity factor for ocean thermal power generation. However, due to the corrosive and occasionally violent nature of the marine environment, marine renewable energy faces many technical challenges related to cost-effective, commercial-scale deployment. This paper explores some of the technical challenges being faced in developing marine renewable technologies for commercial markets.


Beaudoin, G., D. Robertson, R. Doherty, D. Corren, B. Staby, and L. Meyer. 2010. Technological challenges to commercial-scale application of marine renewables. Oceanography 23(2):32–41, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2010.41.

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