First Paragraph
In July 1994, an OSCR unit was deployed aboard the R/V Columbus Iselin to explore the feasibility of obtaining offshore, vector surface currents from a single platform. The concept is straightforward. With the vessel stationary at some location, the OSCR transmit-receive cycle is initiated, and the measured radial currents over the OSCR grid are recorded. The ship then transits to a new location, the transmit-receive cycle is reinitiated, and the measured radial currents are again recorded. With the existing OSCR system, the OSCR grid moves along with the ship. Hence, to construct vector surface currents from the measured radial currents at the two ship locations, pairs of cells within reasonable proximity to each other are identified (in our case, post-experiment), the average position of the pair is calculated, and both radial currents are assumed to have their origins at this average position.