Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 20 Issue 03

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Volume 20, No. 3
Pages 135 - 136


BOOK REVIEW • Seabed Fluid Flow—The Impact on Geology, Biology and the Marine Environment

By Gunter Wegener  and Antje Boetius  
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When their previous book Seabed Pockmarks and Seepages was published in 1988, Martin Hovland and Alan Judd were the first authors to illustrate and discuss global geological, geophysical, chemical, and biological patterns in seafloor structures related to fluid flow, especially those caused by eruption of gas. For many years, this book was the only comprehensive reference in the field of seepage structures. Only slowly would journal publications become available that connected fluid flow, seabed deformation, carbonate crust precipitation, gas emission, and methane-fueled benthic communities—just as proposed in a highly visionary manner by Hovland and Judd in 1988, based on seafloor surveys by the oil industry and governmental institutions.


Wegener, G., and A. Boetius. 2007. Review of Seabed Fluid Flow—The Impact on Geology, Biology and the Marine Environment, by A. Judd and M. Hovland. Oceanography 20(3):135–136, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2007.43.

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