Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 26 Issue 04

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Volume 26, No. 4
Pages 8 - 10


RIPPLE MARKS • New Game in Town: The Sponges | Antarctic Ice Shelf Disappears, Opens Underwater World of Glass | Caribbean Coral Mystery

By Cheryl Lyn Dybas  
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New Game in Town: The Sponges 
Q: When is insult added to injury on a coral reef?
A: When overfishing removes predatory fish that feed on sponges.

Antarctic Ice Shelf Disappears, Opens Underwater World of Glass
Larsen A, it was called, the smallest and most northerly of the three Larsen ice shelves that once extended from the eastern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula to the western Weddell Sea. An ice shelf is the continuation of a glacier that extends over and floats atop the sea. In January 1995, Larsen A collapsed during a storm. The 2,000 km2 ice area fell into the sea.

Caribbean Coral Mystery
Take one wastewater treatment plant and place it somewhere along the Caribbean coast. Then—by a means unknown to science—kill coral reefs near the plant. "You'd have all the makings of a great mystery novel," says ecologist James Porter of the University of Georgia.


Dybas, C.L. 2013. Ripple marks—The story behind the story. Oceanography 26(4):8–10, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2013.84.

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