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Global Warming Comes to Tanzania's Highlands: Malaria, Infectious Disease of the Lowlands, Heads for the Hills
Mosquitoes, once unheard of on the 8,000-foot-high rim of Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater, have landed. "With them comes pestilence," said Teete, a member of a Maasai tribe that lives in the round, mud-hut-lined village of Seneto. "The mosquitoes make us sick with malaria."
It's the Full Moon, Better Not Go Fishing.
A full moon rises over Hawaii's Mo'omomi Bay. Not a good time to go fishing, at least if you are out to catch aholehole (Hawaiian flagtail, Kuhlia sandvicensis), said Kelson Poepoe, conservation biologist and founder of Hui Malama o Mo'omomi (Hawaiian for "group to protect Mo'omomi Bay").
Brittle Stars Take Over Seamount off New Zealand: Tens of Millions Discovered, Arms Raised, in Swirling Current
At an underwater summit higher than the world's tallest building, brittle stars have executed a take-over that could show Wall Street a thing or two. On Macquarie Ridge off New Zealand, tens of millions of brittle stars live tip-to-tip, completely obscuring the undersea mountain they call home. Corals and sponges usually dominate seamount peaks, filtering food that arrives with passing currents. But, not on this seamount. Here, brittle stars and more brittle stars cover the 100-square-kilometer seamount. The seamount's base is 850 meters deep, but its top is relatively shallow, 90 meters beneath the ocean's surface.