Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 22 Issue 03

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Volume 22, No. 3
Pages 262 - 267


WORKSHOP REPORT • Professional Societies Begin Ocean Science K–12 Education Collaboration

By Susan Cook  and Gisèle Muller-Parker  
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Article Abstract

Representatives from 10 professional societies convened at Shannon Point Marine Center, Western Washington University, in August 2008 to identify ways for scientific and educational professional societies to collaborate and provide more effective outreach in K–12 ocean science education. Participating organizations included scientific societies with minor or nonexistent K–12 education efforts, disciplinary-based societies with programs focused in specific K–12 areas, and education-based societies whose primary focus is education and outreach. Workshop participants developed and addressed three objectives: (1) identify what it means for the public/K–12 to understand the science discipline of each society, (2) define appropriate target audiences and how to engage membership and leadership, and (3) identify mechanisms for bringing educators and scientists together. Expanding outreach to members of underrepresented and underserved groups and to students in pre-service teacher training programs were recognized as important cross-cutting themes. Future actions were identified for each objective, and a vision statement was developed.


Cook, S., and G. Muller-Parker. 2009. Workshop report: Professional societies begin ocean science K–12 education collaboration. Oceanography 22(3):262–267, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2009.88.

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