Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 02 Issue 01

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Volume 02, No. 1
Pages 39 - 39


SOCIETY SOUNDINGS • President's Report

By D. James Baker  
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In this issue, we are providing the draft By-Laws for the Society (beginning on p. 43). You will have also received directly from Neil Andersen a letter asking for nominations for officers and council members so that elections can proceed apace. With these actions, we are now coming to grips with the formal organization of the Society. I thought it would be useful here to provide some background on these organizational matters and to review where we stand in operations.


Baker, D.J. 1989. Society soundings: President’s report. Oceanography 2(1):39, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1989.31.

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