Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 15 Issue 04

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Volume 15, No. 4
Pages 3 - 3



By Eric O. Hartwig  
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The peaceful transition of position has once again occurred and I am honored to be representing The Oceanography Society, its mission and goals and the needs of our members. I am also thankful that I still have Jim Yoder around to help guide me as the TOS Past-President and Larry Clark to help steer the way for the future as the President-elect. Below I give you a status report of things happening in your Society, indicating the exciting and forward-looking view of the directions I will take with the help of the TOS Council and yourselves.


Hartwig, E.O. 2002. President’s column. Oceanography 15(4):3, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2002.06.

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