Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 20 Issue 02

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Volume 20, No. 2
Pages 166 - 171


Predictions for the Future of Microbial Oceanography

By David L. Kirchman  and Carlos Pedrós-Alió  
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It has been said that making predictions is difficult, especially about the future, and clearly it is especially challenging for fast-moving fields like marine microbial ecology and microbial oceanography. The pace of discovery and the vitality of these fields are evident in the preceding articles of this special issue and to anyone reading Science and Nature (not to mention the plethora of specialized journals) or attending the countless meetings relevant to the study of marine microbes. So, at first, discussing the future seemed daunting to us, and we thought that no reader would like any of our predictions, except the self-evident one: that the future of marine microbial science is bright. But then, seven other predictions became obvious to us. We are confident that all readers will like these predictions and will agree that all of them will be 100% fulfilled ten years from now.


Kirchman, D.L., and C. Pedrós-Alió. 2007. Predictions for the future of microbial oceanography. Oceanography 20(2):166–171, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2007.62.

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