Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 10 Issue 03

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Volume 10, No. 3
Pages 128 - 131


Physics to Fish: Interactions Between Physics and Biology on a Variety of Scales

By Ann E. Gargett  
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Physical processes are of major importance to marine ecosystems because marine plants have neither root nor branch. Unlike their terrestrial counterparts, they cannot use stems or branches to position themselves favorably in the sunlight, nor roots to tap the wealth of nutrients that lie below the ocean nutricline. Instead it is physical processes that provide the nutrient and light environments that shape marine ecosystems from their base in primary production.


Gargett, A.E. 1997. Physics to fish: Interactions between physics and biology on a variety of scales. Oceanography 10(3):128–131, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1997.05.

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