Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 26 Issue 03

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Volume 26, No. 3
Pages 204 - 206


Penguin Biogeography Along the West Antarctic Peninsula: Testing the Canyon Hypothesis with Palmer LTER Observations

By Oscar Schofield , Hugh Ducklow , Kim Bernard , Scott Doney , Donna Patterson-Fraser, Kristen Gorman , Doug Martinson, Michael Meredith, Grace Saba, Sharon Stammerjohn, Deborah Steinberg , and William Fraser 
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The West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is home to large breeding colonies of the ice-dependent Antarctic Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae). Although the entire inner continental shelf is highly productive, with abundant phytoplankton and krill populations, penguin colonies are distributed heterogeneously along the WAP (Ducklow et al., 2013, in this issue). This ecological conundrum targets a long-standing question of interest: what environmental factors structure the locations of Adélie penguin “hot spots” throughout the WAP?


Schofield, O., H. Ducklow, K. Bernard, S. Doney, D. Patterson-Fraser, K. Gorman, D. Martinson, M. Meredith, G. Saba, S. Stammerjohn, and others. 2013. Penguin biogeography along the West Antarctic Peninsula: Testing the Canyon Hypothesis with Palmer LTER observations. Oceanography 26(3):204–206, https://doi.org/​10.5670/oceanog.2013.63.

    Ducklow, H., A. Clarke, R. Dickhut, S.C. Doney, H. Geisz, K. Huang, D.G. Martinson, M.P. Meredith, H.V. Moeller, M. Montes-Hugo, and others. 2012. Marine pelagic ecosystems: The West Antarctic Peninsula. Pp 121–149 in Antarctica: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World. A.D. Rogers, ed., Wiley.
  1. Ducklow, H.W., W.R. Fraser, M.P. Meredith, S.E. Stammerjohn, S.C. Doney, D.G. Martinson, S.F. Sailley, O.M. Schofield, D.K. Steinberg, H.J. Venables, and C.D. Amsler. 2013. West Antarctic Peninsula: An ice-dependent coastal marine ecosystem in transition. Oceanography 26(3):190–203, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2013.62.
  2. Falkowski, P.G., and J.A. Raven, 2007. Aquatic Photosynthesis. Blackwell Scientific Publishers, Oxford.
  3. Henderson, I. 1976. Summer log of travel and work of sledge kilo in northern Alexander Island and Charcot Island, 1975/1976. British Antarctic Survey internal report ref. T/1975/K11.
  4. Martinson, D.G., S.E. Stammerjohn, R.A. Iannuzzi, R.C. Smith, and M. Vernet. 2008. Western Antarctic Peninsula physical oceanography and spatio-temporal variability. Deep Sea Research Part II 55:1,964–1,987, https://doi.org/​10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.04.038.
  5. Oliver, M.J., A. Irwin, M. Moline, W. Fraser, D. Patterson, O. Schofield, and J. Kohut. 2013. Adélie penguin foraging location correlated to local tides. PLoS ONE 8(1):e55163, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0055163.
  6. Stammerjohn, S.E., D.G. Martinson, R.C. Smith, and R.A. Iannuzzi. 2008. Sea ice in the western Antarctic Peninsula region: Spatio-temporal variability from ecological and climate change perspectives. Deep Sea Research Part II 55:2,041–2,058, https://doi.org/​10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.04.026.
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