Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 01 Issue 01

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Volume 01, No. 1
Pages 24 - 25


NEWS AND INFORMATION • Ocean Sciences Directorate of the Office of Naval Research

By Melbourne Briscoe and Leonard Johnson 
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As of 2 May 1988, the Environmental Sciences Directorate at ONR became the Ocean Sciences Directorate. The list below shows the new organization of divisions and people. The main effect of the reorganization is to separate the physical parts of the old 1122 Ocean Sciences Division into a new ocean and atmospheric physics division (still code 1122), and a new biology/ optics/chemistry division (code 1123). The ocean engineering division now contains an explicit remote sensing division, and the coastal sciences program is now explicitly more interdisciplinary than previously.


Briscoe, M., and L. Johnson. 1988. Ocean Sciences Directorate of the Office of Naval Research. Oceanography 1(1):24–25, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.1988.38.

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