Oceanography The Official Magazine of
The Oceanography Society
Volume 23 Issue 01

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Volume 23, No. 1
Pages 222 - 224


BOOK REVIEW • Ocean: Reflections on a Century of Exploration

By Peter Wadhams  
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I will always remember my first visit to Scripps Institution of Oceanography to see Walter Munk. It was a November lunchtime when I arrived at a sun-drenched Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP), perched on its cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Walter was sitting in his bathing shorts at the picnic table outside the IGPP entrance. In the background, groups of younger oceanographers passed by carrying surfboards. I had just arrived from a cold, rainy, miserable Cambridge, England, and I gazed at the scene with amazement possibly tinged with censoriousness. Seeing my expression, Walter smiled and said, “You don’t have to suffer to do good science!” I would like to suggest this as the official motto of Scripps.


Wadhams, P. 2010. Review of Ocean: Reflections on a Century of Exploration, by W.H. Berger. Oceanography 23(1):222–224, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2010.103.

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  2. Ricketts, E., and J. Calvin. 1992. Between Pacific Tides, 5th ed. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 680 pp.
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